Hafner Manufacturing Company

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Hafner Manufacturing Company

Post by winced36 »

Hafner made some nice toys, both before and after the Second World War, even as far back as the First World War. Here's a Hafner #100 clockwork locomotive and tender, presumably made during the 1920s, but it might be older. Hafner is tough to date, as there's not much resource material out there:


I found the locomotive in a box of stuff I picked up at a local estate sale. The pilot is partially broken, and the mechanism is broken as well. Still, it's in nice cosmetic condition. The tender I found on the monthly train list that Vienna Station issues every month. I'm not sure if they are correct together, but they look good enough.

This will be a shelf-queen until I can repair the mechanism. I picked up a copy of James Pekarek's book on clockwork train repair hoping it would provide some guidance. My impression is that Hafner's mechanism is one of the more difficult to disassemble, repair, and reassemble.
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