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Train for a big hotel display

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 7:49 am
by paulrace
A reader writes:

I am doing a christmas set up for a hotel and would like to inquire about a train set. My client very much would like a train that circles the tree.

The height of the tree is 12 feet. So we need something which is impressive in size and to make a statement. Can you please get back to me with some picture and cost of train sets you have in stock.


Thanks for getting in touch. The most impressive commercially manufactured train sets that would look good around a Christmas tree are Bachmann's Large Scale trains such as the first one on this page.

They change up their stock this time of year, so a month from now this one may be hard to come by, but they may have another one you like as well. USUALLY Bachmann has three or four sets available, but by mid-January of this year, they were down to this one. It's probably your best bet anyway, because the passenger trains are more impressive circling the track.

I don't sell these directly, I just review and advertise them, so if you click through the link you'll be on a vendor's site where you may or may not find something you like better.

If you want a really big circle of track, I'd consider ordering some professional grade brass track, maybe the 8' or 10' diameter circle of solid brass track from this page:

Again, the stock gets low this time of year and start getting replenished in the mid-summer. Yes, it may cost as much as the train, but it will be far more resistant to folks stepping on it or kicking it accidentally.

The train will run more consistently and more smoothly, the lights in the cars will stay on better, and the whole thing will look better.

Hope this helps. If you have a model builder who would like to put some house and station kits together (getting started now, say), Colorado Model Structures has many relatively inexpensive kits that could easily be paintd up in Christmas themes.

Or if you'd rather work in cardboard, let me know, I can blow these building graphics up to large scale for if that would help. ... fronts.htm

BEST of luck with your project. Please let me know what you decide - Paul