I own a number of Hawthorne Village buildings and figures. Do you know if all Hawthorne Village products are to the same scale? And does it equate to any of the popular model railroading scales. Thanx. I appreciate the help. I really enjoyed your news letter.
-----------Paul's Answer--------You may add your own below, but be nice.

Most Hawthorne Village figures are about O scale. The buildings average out to about S scale, but they're more interested in having them blend in with other buildings than being the same scale. So a skyscraper might really be in something closer to N, and a news stand will be larger than O, but otherwise the news stand would get lost and the skyscraper (even if modeled in HO scale) would bump your ceiling. Generally the buildings that represent 2-story houses, storefronts, etc., will be close to S, but they do vary. (Remember, most O-27 trains are closer to S than O in height and length, so that's not as bad as yo umight think.)
If you use buildings from the same series they'll look right together, which may be all you need.