Toy Trains magazine signal tower

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Toy Trains magazine signal tower

Post by winced36 »

Here's another really nice design for a paper building, this signal tower, penned by Hal Carstens and included in the August 1953 issue of Toy Trains magazine:


A few MS Paint edits to the original scan, primarily blackened windows and the addition of a few shades. The staircase design was amended to eliminate the mid-level landing and the descending 90-degree turn to the left. The scan of the roof bits was missing quite a bit of color/detail due to a problem with the original print in the magazine, so I just built it to Carstens' design profile, then spray-painted it with some multicolored/textured brown spray paint I found in the basement. I was going to give it a top-coat of flat black, but decided I kinda liked the brown as is. I'm slowly getting better at building these hip-roofs.

Now, where to put it.
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