Craft store tin

Metal structures, especially from the golden age of toy trains. Lithographed, stamped, etc.
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Craft store tin

Post by winced36 »

Over the last few years, I've picked up a few tin/sheet-metal buildings at various craft stores. Roughly O-gauge, they work well with toy trains, especially prewar and postwar where realistic graphics aren't critical.

This one was acquired in 2018, and would look great under the tree or on a holiday/winter-themed layout:
Modern tin/sheet-metal building.
Modern tin/sheet-metal building.
Tin bldg.jpg (198.27 KiB) Viewed 21496 times
One disadvantage is that it doesn't have a hole in the bottom for a light to easily be inserted. Might need to do a bit of disassembly to get access. Certainly has a lot of potential.

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