Garden Railways magazine to cease publication

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Garden Railways magazine to cease publication

Post by winced36 »

I saw an announcement from Kalmbach that Garden Railways is being dropped from their publications line: ... n-railways

This is unfortunate, but likely another sign of the shrinking demographic for the model train hobby in general. I'd been kicking around the idea of building an O-gauge loop in the garden, but I've deferred that in light of the fact that I struggle to find time to keep the basement layout in running order. Alot of the inspiration to move outdoors, however, came from an occasional look through Garden Railways. It will be missed.
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Re: Garden Railways magazine to cease publication

Post by javinda »

I have come to this idea of a garden railroad late in the game---it is unlikely I will ever have one---but I do very much enjoy looking at other set-ups. I wish I had known about the magazine as I would have's kind of sad.....I look upon us the "new historians"---cataloging---and keeping alive---a way of life---or thinking---or activity---through our own personal endeavors.........
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Re: Garden Railways magazine to cease publication

Post by winced36 »

I've contemplated building a loop outdoors, but if I did so it would be O-gauge, not the popular G-gauge. It's too late to think about expanding into yet another scale. The problem is finding track that will stand up to out-of-doors weather, but my understanding is that Gargraves manufactures a stainless-steel product that will work. Gotta get the basement layout back in running order before even thinking about another platform.
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